所以与其花精力研究这些花哨玩法,不如把精力放到对广告影响更直接的点上,比如文案和素材。而且这是广告的基础,是永不过时的。 广告最直接的作用,就是过滤并吸引我们的目标受众。如何过滤,就要用到“角度”。不同的“角度”可以吸引不同的受众,所以发现不同的“角度”是最重要的。文案和素材要为“角度”服务,围绕“角度”来做创意。 什么是“角度”?我找了个老外的总结: An advertising angle is an approach taken to spread a message about an offer to potential customers. Angles spread messages about various kinds of offers and make promotional campaigns more perceivable by potential buyers according to their inclination. The fundamentals of angles include not only defining and achieving objectives, but also finding the best way to interact, influence, and sway customers into agreeing. 简单说,“角度”就是向潜在用户传达信息的一种方法。 寻找“角度”的方法有:头脑风暴、从竞争对手获取灵感等等。今天分享的一个方法,也很简单,但很实用。之前文章里也提到过,就是借助亚马逊上类似产品的listing。从listing的文案和review里,发现好的广告“角度”。
其次,阅读评论,从用户的反馈中,发掘角度。如果评论很多,可以把评论爬下来,借助工具提高分析效率。 比如用八爪鱼等工具,或者Web Scraper爬取(不会爬的,可以到淘宝找人代爬或者帮忙写爬虫规则): 接着用词云分析工具(如http://www.amzbigdata.cn/wordcloud.php),把评论内容导入,生成词云,它会将出现频率高的词突出显示: 这里发现一个很有意思的词:die。回到爬下来的评论里面搜索这个关键词,发现有不少人是买这款产品送给失去姐妹的朋友、同事、家人的。 比如这条评论:“Bought for gift of co-worker who's sister died of cancer. She love it. Way better than sending flowers.” “失去姐妹的朋友、同事、家人”这些人群,在Facebook的兴趣组里,是不存在的,我们是没有办法直接定位这类人群的。最好的办法,就是通过广告的角度来把他们过滤出来。那就可以围绕“失去姐妹的安慰礼物”这个角度,来开发广告创意,准备文案、图片或者视频了。
我还是一直用传统的方法,也就是ad set对应一个ad的形式来测试不同角度,属于保守派。上述这个多变量功能也是最近注意到的,对于平台推出的新功能,还是要多尝试,有机会享受到一些新功能红利。 The text variation feature lets you add up to five different text versions for your ad's primary text, headline and description. 每个变量最多5条不同的文案,和Google广告类似。This feature is available for single image, video, or dynamic creative ads that use Page Likes, Brand Awareness, Reach, Lead Generation, Post Engagement, Messages, Video Views, Event Responses, Traffic, App Installs or Conversions objectives. Use multiple text options to highlight different aspects of your product or service. We'll show different combinations of text to different people based on what they're more likely to respond to. Since reporting is based on a single ad, you won't see performance details for specific text variations.